Powerful psychoactive substances allow us, for a brief period of time, to access a higher dimension of consciousness. Akin to the mystical experiences of the great saints, they open us to our deepest self, to the sacred space of the heart.
They take us out of the confines of the mind and its rigid programming, momentarily releasing us from the grip of the pain body. They allow us to meet our ancestors and to gently embrace our inner child. They can also give us the vision, if we are ready, of our shadow nature and begin freeing us from the need to experience it through others. And most of all they clarify our values and show the true meaning of gratitude and unconditional love. |
Keep in mind that the power of the experiences and their ability to re-align your life depends entirely on your preparedness. A disciplined engagement in conscious work and meditation allows these magical substances to do their work unimpaired.
Bufo Alvarius 5-MeO-DMT
Bufo Alvarius, pure 5-MeO-DMT ethically extracted from the Sonora desert toad and inhaled, is very intense and lasts for a relatively short amount of time, but can be completely life altering. The quality of the experience will depend entirely on your preparation and on your willingness to let go of control.
Our focus is on supporting you during every step of the process and holding a safe and sacred space during the session to ensure its maximum effect.
The Bufo Alvarius Experience
Bufo is completely different for every individual so impossible to describe. A common denominator is that it is "beyond language", as it is so deep and transformative at the soul level. But what can be said is that it reveals truths deeply buried in the unconscious. These can be unresolved traumas as well as our connection to Universal Consciousness that expresses as blissful, unconditional love. It is impossible to predict what your experience will be, only that it will be extremely powerful.
Kambó doesn’t offer an out of body experience like Bufo or expansive visions like Changa. Instead, it can remove energy blocks and revitalize the physical body. For this reason it is the ideal preparation for the deep healing and expansive work that Bufo offers.
The physical sensation of Kambó is a very intense combination of inner heat and nausea. It is accompanied by a purging action that on an emotional level is associated with “letting go” of toxic emotions and blocks stored in the body.
Kambó is widely recognized for its anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and immune strengthening qualities. There are many miraculous healing stories associated with it. But its ability to heal at an energetic level is where it stands out and is the focus of our ceremonies.
After a Kambó session participants will feel a profound sense of relaxation and lightness of being.
After a Kambó session participants will feel a profound sense of relaxation and lightness of being.
How Kambo Works
Kambó is a mild toxin secreted by the Amazonian Phyllomedusa tree frog. When applied to the skin it generates an immune response with a powerful cleansing effect to the body. Kambó activates the lymphatic system which goes into hyper-drive as it deep cleanses the vital organs. This is accomplished through a unique combination of multiple anti-microbial and anti-viral peptides that bind to receptor sites in human cells and heal at a deep, cellular level.
Changa DMT
Doing Bufo for the first time can often be an intimidating experience. This can result in fear and negatively impact the inhalation process. Therefore smoking Changa before Bufo makes it much easier to relax and freely engage the medicine.
Changa’s origin is in the early 2000’s, when the renowned Australian medicine guide and herbalist Julian Palmer was searching for a more gentle way to experience the extremely powerful and intense psychedelic effects of pure DMT. He discovered that by combining it with Ayahuasca vine and other plants and herbs, it could be smoked and users benefit from extraordinary visions and insights, heightened awareness and life transforming healing experiences in a more balanced and long lasting way than DMT. It is similar to Ayahuasca but its effect lasts a maximum of 30 minutes vs up to 8 hours for Ayahuasca. |
Changa Effects
Changa expresses through intense and beautiful geometric patterns and a heightened appreciation of all the senses. Some people report contact with spiritual entities and an inner stillness where we can experience an alignment to our higher nature. There are also many testimonials of letting go of addictions along with other life changing healing experiences.
Changa Safety
DMT has the lowest side effect profile compared to other psychedelics and is not addictive. And as with all psychoactive substances, Changa is not recommended for people taking SSRI’s and or with a heart condition.
The mushrooms come from the Pacific region of Costa Rica. The cultivators have a passion and love for Psilocybin along with a deep knowledge of their cultivation in order to maximize the healing and psychedelic qualities.
The strain generates a very visceral and powerful experience that is felt deeply in the body as a strong current of pure energy and connection to earth. There is also a sense of being wonderfully present in the moment that results in deep relaxation and connection to the heart. |
On the physical level Sananga has remarkable healing properties and is used to treat vision problems including glaucoma and cataracts. It has antimicrobial, anti-fungal, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and can play a critical role in preventing age related ocular issues when used regularly.
But where Sananga really shines is its healing qualities on a more subtle and spiritual level. The active principle of Sananga is Ibogaine, a psychoactive alkaloid that has gained popularity to treat severe addiction. In small doses as is present in Sananga it can induce remarkable states of mind and visions. |
How Sananga Works
Sananga is highly astringent and causes an intense fiery sensation in the eyes that lasts a few minutes. This causes the release of endorphins which leads to deep relaxation and in many cases, a natural state of meditation where beautiful visions can be experienced.
Rhapé is a tobacco-based snuff made from the non-smoking "mapacho" tobacco along with tree bark and a mix of medicinal plants.
It is administered at the start of medicine sessions, where a small amount is blown into each nostril with a "Tepi" pipe. This causes an immediate release of both dopamine and adrenaline. One feels both deeply relaxed yet acutely aware and alert. On a physical level there is a strong purgative and decongestant action which clears the sinuses. Breathing becomes easier and tensions are released. |
Rhapé is also mildly psychoactive and as a result one can enter into a soft, meditative state and feel completely present and grounded. This greatly facilitates engaging the much stronger primary medicine that follows.
- BUFO - The toad that taught me the secret of the Universe by Julia Bream at
- WHAT IS SHAMANIC SNUFF? Here's what you need to know about Rapé. From
- WHAT IS SANANGA? A primer from
- CAMP KAMBÓ An article exploring how Kambó is being explored as a therapy to treat a range of conditions from anxiety to cancer